How Has Urban Affected Your Life?

Since December of 2018 the Urban Aerial team has worked extremely hard to make our little studio the best aerial studio in Orange County. It has not been easy. It’s taken a lot of effort, sweat, creativity and resilience to grow our studio so we can bring the joy of aerial to as many people as possible.

From the day we begun operating, our goal has always been to create a studio that not only gave our clients a place to practice aerial and pole. Our goal was a lot more ambitious. We wanted to create a place that truly affected people’s lives in the best way possible. We believe we have achieved this goal with many of our clients, but we could not be 100% certain until we heard directly from our clients. 

We reached out to our members and asked them to answer the question “how has urban affected your life?”. The responses we gathered were so candid that we decided to share them with you. Here are the top responses we got.


Urban Aerial Fitness has become my home away from home.
It’s my little sanctuary that’s a respite from work stress and a time for focus on myself and what my body can do. I am also so grateful for all the amazing people and friends I’ve made here.
The amount of love, support and encouragement from everyone, from the instructors to fellow classmates is unbelievable. I’ve fallen in love with aerial through UAF.
It’s also been a way to get out of my shell and challenge myself to do things that I never thought my body was capable of.
Thanks for being such an inspiring, supportive environment!


First of all, I want to say thank you for having this amazing studio!
When I first started attending classes at UAF, I hated how my body looked. I would look at the mirror and only see things I didn’t like, and I did not think that I was ‘fit’ enough.
Coming to UAF has improved my mental health, giving me the confidence to love my body through the support of amazing instructors and friends I have met here. I went from someone wearing full coverage clothes on the pole, to attending a lap dance workshop.
I love this studio, the people who work here, and the friends I get to see week after week.


Urban aerial fitness has been a transformative journey that has not only sculpted my physical strength but has also enriched my life in ways I never imagined possible. Through this unique form of fitness, I have encountered like-minded individuals, experienced exponential growth in my physical capabilities, and cultivated a deep-seated confidence that radiates through every aspect of my life.

First and foremost, Urban Aerial Fitness introduced me to a community of individuals who share a passion for pushing physical boundaries and embracing creativity. The people I have met through this discipline are not just fellow enthusiasts; they are individuals who inspire and support each other on a daily basis. Whether learning a new aerial silk routine or mastering a challenging aerial hoop sequence, the camaraderie and encouragement from my peers have been invaluable. These friendships have extended beyond the studio, creating a network of support that enhances both my fitness journey and personal growth.

Physically, the impact of Urban Aerial Fitness on my strength and agility has been nothing short of remarkable. From my initial struggles with basic poses to effortlessly executing complex aerial maneuvers, the progress I have made reflects not only dedication but also the effectiveness of this form of exercise. Aerial fitness demands a unique blend of strength, flexibility, and coordination, all of which have seen exponential growth over time. As I have become stronger and more proficient, each achievement has fueled my motivation to reach new heights and conquer more challenging aerial feats.

Moreover, Urban Aerial Fitness has been a catalyst for building my confidence in ways I never anticipated. Learning to trust my body’s capabilities, overcoming fears of heights, and mastering intricate aerial techniques have all contributed to a newfound self-assurance. Beyond the physical aspects, the mental discipline required to excel in aerial fitness has sharpened my focus and resilience. Each accomplishment, whether big or small, has reinforced my belief in my ability to tackle challenges both inside and outside the studio.

In conclusion, Urban Aerial Fitness has been a transformative experience that has enriched my life in numerous ways. Through this discipline, I have found a supportive community of like-minded individuals, witnessed exponential growth in my physical strength and agility, and cultivated a profound sense of confidence and self-belief. The journey from a novice to a proficient aerialist has not only reshaped my body but has also empowered me with invaluable skills and friendships that will endure beyond the studio. Urban aerial fitness has indeed been instrumental in shaping me into the person I am today – strong, confident, and ready to soar to new heights in every aspect of my life.


Urban has created such a unique space in my life. It is the highlight of my week to come into the studio.

I truly feel that I have formed a sisterhood with the women that I’ve met. Urban is truly a home that brings together the strongest, brightest, and kindest women in the community. I have thoroughly enjoyed my journey to explore each apparatus and participate in a sport that not only feeds my hunger for physical challenges but also my love and passion for creativity.

Urban feeds my inner child and provides a space that invites play in a world that can be full of heaviness. I am beyond grateful to have come across this space and to consider it home. 


Where do I start? We discovered Urban on January 30, 2020. My youngest daughter fell in love immediately with the studio and then boom! COVID hit, so we set up a rig in our garage and did some private lessons.
We were going through a very traumatic family experience at the time, and I was not gonna allow COVID to destroy the one thing my daughter found joy in. It was one of those “we will do whatever it takes moments”.
When the studio finally reopened I was so invested that I joined as well and fell in love immediately. Something that I could do at my age, and with my daughter? Perfect!
When my eldest daughter moved back home, she also wanted to give aerial a try and she fell in love with lyra (hoop). Now we are all hooked! Urban has offered opportunities for me to bond with both of my daughters through aerial. 
My eldest’s 15th bday was during a student showcase and it was also our first performance ever, and together! What an amazing opportunity as a mom to spend your daughters 15th bday with her, creating a beautiful memory.
I have had so many opportunities through Urban to create duo routines with my youngest and bond in the process. So much so that now she actually wants my help with her competition routines. Again, Urban has created a place where my 13 yr old wants to do things with me and wants me to be a part of her aerial competition journey.
And the final and most recent event is that my eldest daughter’s boyfriend of 2 yrs just signed up to take dance trapeze classes with her.
So basically every member of my family has become part of the Urban family. It has truly given us a safe place during difficult times, a place to create, a place to make friends, a place that is so supportive of everyone that comes through the doors.
Urban has created a space that has helped my entire family strengthen its bonds, and personally at 49 yrs old, it is a place where I still feel vibrant, youthful, and capable of still  being beautiful, athletic and sexy. 
I am so grateful to have found urban when we did , and to grow with it into what it has become

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